Empirical Inference

Descending through a Crowded Valley - Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers


Conference Paper


Author(s): Schmidt, R. M. and Schneider, F. and Hennig, P.
Book Title: Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
Volume: 139
Pages: 9367--9376
Year: 2021
Month: July

Series: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Editors: Meila, Marina and Zhang, Tong
Publisher: PMLR

Department(s): Empirical Inference
Research Project(s): Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Bibtex Type: Conference Paper (conference)

Event Place: Virtual Conference

State: Published
URL: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/schmidt21a.html


  title = {Descending through a Crowded Valley - Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers},
  author = {Schmidt, R. M. and Schneider, F. and Hennig, P.},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
  volume = {139},
  pages = {9367--9376},
  series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  editors = {Meila, Marina and Zhang, Tong},
  publisher = {PMLR},
  month = jul,
  year = {2021},
  doi = {},
  url = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/schmidt21a.html},
  month_numeric = {7}