Automatic 3D Face Reconstruction from Single Images or Video
Technical Report
This paper presents a fully automated algorithm for reconstructing a textured 3D model of a face from a single photograph or a raw video stream. The algorithm is based on a combination of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and a Morphable Model of 3D faces. After SVM face detection, individual facial features are detected using a novel regression-and classification-based approach, and probabilistically plausible configurations of features are selected to produce a list of candidates for several facial feature positions. In the next step, the configurations of feature points are evaluated using a novel criterion that is based on a Morphable Model and a combination of linear projections. Finally, the feature points initialize a model-fitting procedure of the Morphable Model. The result is a high-resolution 3D surface model.
Author(s): | Breuer, P. and Kim, KI. and Kienzle, W. and Blanz, V. and Schölkopf, B. |
Number (issue): | 160 |
Year: | 2007 |
Month: | February |
Day: | 0 |
Department(s): | Empirical Inference |
Bibtex Type: | Technical Report (techreport) |
Institution: | Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany |
Digital: | 0 |
Language: | en |
Organization: | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
School: | Biologische Kybernetik |
Links: |
BibTex @techreport{4380, title = {Automatic 3D Face Reconstruction from Single Images or Video}, author = {Breuer, P. and Kim, KI. and Kienzle, W. and Blanz, V. and Sch{\"o}lkopf, B.}, number = {160}, organization = {Max-Planck-Gesellschaft}, institution = {Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany}, school = {Biologische Kybernetik}, month = feb, year = {2007}, doi = {}, month_numeric = {2} } |