Empirical Inference

Is Independence all you need? On the Generalization of Representations Learned from Correlated Data




Author(s): Träuble, F. and Creager, E. and Kilbertus, N. and Goyal, A. and Locatello, F. and Schölkopf, B. and Bauer, S.
Year: 2020

Department(s): Empirical Inference
Bibtex Type: Miscellaneous (misc)

State: Published
URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342197470_Is_Independence_all_you_need_On_the_Generalization_of_Representations_Learned_from_Correlated_Data


  title = {Is Independence all you need? On the Generalization of Representations Learned from Correlated Data},
  author = {Tr{\"a}uble, F. and Creager, E. and Kilbertus, N. and Goyal, A. and Locatello, F. and Sch{\"o}lkopf, B. and Bauer, S.},
  year = {2020},
  doi = {},
  url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342197470_Is_Independence_all_you_need_On_the_Generalization_of_Representations_Learned_from_Correlated_Data}