Empirical Inference

Skill or Luck? Return Decomposition via Advantage Functions


Conference Paper


Author(s): Pan, H.-R. and Schölkopf, B.
Book Title: The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Year: 2024
Month: May

Department(s): Empirical Inference
Bibtex Type: Conference Paper (conference)

Event Place: Vienna, Austria

State: Published


  title = {Skill or Luck? Return Decomposition via Advantage Functions},
  author = {Pan, H.-R. and Sch{\"o}lkopf, B.},
  booktitle = {The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
  month = may,
  year = {2024},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {5}