Empirical Inference

Robotic Surgery Training in AR: Multimodal Record and Replay


Master Thesis


Author(s): Fabian Krauthausen
Pages: 1--147
Year: 2021
Month: May

Department(s): Haptic Intelligence
Bibtex Type: Master Thesis (mastersthesis)
Paper Type: Thesis

Address: Stuttgart
School: University of Stuttgart

Degree Type: Master
Note: Study Program in Software Engineering


  title = {Robotic Surgery Training in {AR}: Multimodal Record and Replay},
  author = {Krauthausen, Fabian},
  pages = {1--147},
  school = {University of Stuttgart},
  address = {Stuttgart},
  month = may,
  year = {2021},
  note = {Study Program in Software Engineering},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {5}